Shipment Rate (Fedex International)

*rate is subject to chage due to fuel charge and handling fees
CODE / Destination region(shipping address)
Coutries included in the region
Shipping fee for 1item(USD) Shipping fee for 2items(USD)
A / Asia1(North Asia)
South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong
90 N.A. 110 N.A.
B / Asia2 (South East Asia1)
Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam
95 N.A. 125 N.A.
D / Asia 3 (SE Asia 2 and South Asia)
India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Laos, Guam, Micronesia, Mongolia
105 N.A. 145 N.A.
D / Micronesia and Polynesia
Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Rota, Saipan, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea, Tahiti, Vanuatu
105 N.A. 145 N.A.
D / Oceania
Australia, New Zealand, Samoa
105 N.A. 145 N.A.
E / North America, Central America and Caribbean Islands 1
United States, Canada, Mexico, St.Thomas, St.Croix Island
115 N.A. 165 N.A.
F / Central America2, South America and Carribean islands2
Antigua, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Chile, Cayman Islands, Colimbia, Costa Rica, Curacao, French Guiana, Grenada, Grand Cayman, Great Tobago Islands, Gatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Navis, Nicaragua, Norman Islands, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St.Lucia, Sint.Maarten, St.Martin, St.Vincent, Trinidad Tobago, Turks Caicos Islands, Urguay
150 N.A. 225 N.A.
G / E.U. countries, U.K. and Switzerland
Austria, Belgium, Canary Islands, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portgal, San Marino, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican City
150 N.A. 200 N.A.
H / Other countires in Europe(except E.U.) and Central Asia
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijian, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Gibraltar, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Uzbekistan
165 N.A. 245 N.A.
I / Middle East 1
165 N.A. 240 N.A.
J / Midele East 2, Africa continent and Indian Ocean Islands
Algeria, Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Cyprus, Guinea, Kenya, Lebanon, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Nambia, Nigeria, Qatar, Reunion, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelle, South Africa, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Zambia
200 N.A. 300 N.A.

1.Stripe does not support American Express credit cards payment in contries listed below. Please use other credit cards.
India, Mauritius, Senegal(XOF), French Polynesia(XPF)
2. There are some coutries which currencies are not accepted by Stripe, however if you have other currency credit card and when we find the way to ship to your shipping address, you may be able to purchase. Please inquire by contact mail if your shipping countries were not listed.
CAUTION: As of December 17, 2020, Federal Express International temporally stopped International Economy service due to heavy delivery needs for holiday season for all countries including E.U. Therefore, all product for outside Japan shipping destinations will be sent by PRIORITY service. We work hard to get the product timely and best delivery cost to the customers. We very much appreciate your understanding. Once the other service becomes available, we will update with you. warmly,